Our manifesto

Imagine the future of fashion + textiles

We see a world where clothes are made without exploitation, waste, pollution, or prejudice.  Where fashion and textiles are designed for sustainability, working within planetary boundaries, in alignment with human wellbeing for those who design, make, and wear clothing. A world where supply chains are 100% traceable, digital technologies enhance sustainability initiatives, and advanced manufacturing technologies support a thriving local industry that offers highly-skilled, well-paid jobs, while utilising the rich variety of raw materials found throughout Australia.

We see a future where fashion has become completely circular. The take-make-waste model has been replaced with circular systems focused on eliminating waste and pollution, recycling products to their highest value, and regenerating nature.​

We see fashion being used as an agent of change. Industry members collaborating to combat the worst effects of climate change, biodiversity loss, human rights disasters and gender inequality. Scientists and engineers collaborating with producers and designers of clothing and textiles to create the next generation of fibres, fabrics and processes. Clothing not just being made in a “better” way, but being used to advance significant and lasting change.

We see this future within our reach – join us.


Intro to Fashion + Sustainability